The dreaded Brexit is nearly upon us??? if you have seen the news, you will know they have still not come to a decision, however should a NO DEAL Happen this is the information we will require to send shipments to Europe and Southern Ireland.
- Commercial Invoice:- All goods departing the UK for IRL and Europe will need to have a commercial invoice upon which will have.....
- The Description of goods with HS codes:- The shipper will need to determine the correct HS codes and supply same to the forwarder. The HS codes will determine the rate of duty or any preferential agreements that may be in place so it is very important to have the codes correct. If in any doubt please contact HMRC classification dept.
- Inco Terms:- Please ensure the intercom is correct as it will determine who will be liable for customs formalities,(duties, customs clearance charges etc...)
- Senders full details:- Including EORI number
- Consignee full details:- Including EORI number if known, for import clearance this will need to be known.
- Full Commercial Value:- If goods are moved on a CIF basis this should include insurance and freight charges, if not then the value of the goods will be enough, it will be up to the company making the import declaration to determine the value of insurance and freight which will be required when the taxes are being determined.
Also for the importer......
- Customer Tan/deferred account if applicable (so if the customer is liable for duties and they have a tan or deferred account we will need to know this to ensure the duty and VAT is deducted from this account.
- If the customer has the Tan/Deferred account, we will require the client to fill out a permission form which will enable us to use the account on behalf of the client.
- Letter of representation:- if the client requires Western Logistics to present the declaration on their behalf we will need to get a signed letter of representation.
- VAT Authorization Number (importer & if applicable)
- VAT Authorization Expiry Date (importer & if applicable).
We will keep you updated with any further developments.
Celebrating 15 years!!We would like to say a massive thank you to all our customers and suppliers for their continued support. We are proud of our increasing portfolio; providing road, sea and air logistics solutions and we are grateful for your loyal custom.
Have any questions? 0845 1 222962